Monday, October 6, 2008

Three Years Ago Today...

Three years ago today, in the small town of Winnsboro a shy red headed boy asked a not so shy blonde girl if he could take her on a date. The blonde headed girl said yes to the red headed boy and they never looked back....

The night ended with a kiss and the knowledge that they had found what they were looking for in this crazy world that holds no promises of happy ever afters.

In the three years that we have been together we have laughed, cried, and argued for reasons we can't remember or even comprehend but through it all we have never lost what we found that night. Maybe thats what makes us so strong, that despite all that we've been through we never once forgot each other or the love we have for each other in the midst of this crazy world.

Yes, yes I know this sounds corny and cheesy to some but, I can honestly say I did not write with the intent to be laughed at, simply to remember and to remind that people don't always find what we all have found. I just feel so lucky to be granted someone this special, someone that is everything I wanted and needed in my life.

So I say to you all who are laughing, if you don't understand this message then you don't understand what it means to find that someone who is your other half in this world.


Kelly said...

/sigh So amazing...:-)

Kasey and Matthew said...

lol yeah I was trying to make that sound as non corny as possible..these days you can't write stuff like that without people thinking it sounds cheesy..*sigh* where did the romance go?


carla said...

No laughing here! But guys kissed on the first date! Oh my goodness.

I think you two are perfect for each other and can't believe it has been 3 years! :)

Love Mom

Kasey and Matthew said...

lol yeah he asked me first though..:) *sigh* what a gentleman!