Anyway I know it has been far to long since my last update so I figured I should probably do so or face the consequences from several people who know were I live. As the title suggest I have been on a chess craze as of late. I figured that I needed a hobby to take the edge off of school; however it still needed to be a hobby that "Keep my mind right" and by right I mean operational (that's right no more vegging for me, not that there is anything wrong with that but when I do my grades tend to slip(Think freshman year(Stop using parentheses!!))) Sorry about that I'm in Stats now and using a calculator and excel you soon learn parentheses are your best friends or worst enemies depending on skill of usage. Back to Chess, I know this may sound strange but I really would like to become a student of the game, so I did what everyone who knows me would guess I would do, I bought a book on the matter; actually several books and Wikipedia entries. After reading the books and online references I discovered a very important fact. Can you guess what it was?? Anyone?? You in the back? No? OK I'll tell you..........
WE NEED A CHESS SET!!! Now don't get me wrong we have one its just not in the same zip code as we are, alas when we visited Winnsboro at the end of the summer we failed to bring back the excellent glass set we had picked up over the holidays, Whoops. Anyway so I am now in the market for chess sets so if anyone knows of a place that sells quality sets at affordable prices let me know. This does not mean that I cannot play, far from it, there are plenty of online applications that allow me to do battle with anyone anytime; however there is something missing from playing a faceless opponent over a glowing 2-D board. So my quest continues, other than that classes are progressing in good form, I am rebounding from the first round of test, to let you know I did less than I would of hoped far, but hey I love having to fight for what I want. So as I leave you once again I say feel free to comment and ask questions and I shall answer to the best of my abilities.
This was Matthew Alexander Davis Hallman. This was not a test.
Three thoughts:
Yay! An update!
Hmm, yes, a chess set would definitely be helpful. ;-)
Are you guys not playing WoW anymore? :-(
Come and visit us!!!
I know YAY an update, as to the WOW account I have suspended my account for the time being. I have a reduced work schedule due to the number of classes I am taking, so that means less money, and while I am still saving for certain "Things" I am just not able so swing it as of now; however as soon as my wallet and time schedule reboot I will continue my adventures as my stallwart dwarf. Sorry:(
Ok, I guess that's a pretty good excuse for no WoW. Lol :-) Money is always helpful (believe me, I know!). Have a good day!
I know exactly where that chess set is! I can send it to you...I wonder how well a glass chess set would survive in the mail...maybe I should just keep it safe until you come home for Thanksgiving. :)
Love Mom!
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