- Say what you really mean, stop trying to make people guess what you really mean. Life can be so much more simple if you just say what you want instead of beating around the bush and expecting people to get what you truly mean by saying things such as "I want to if you want to," or "only if you want to," or "yeah sure that's OK (when its not really)." Being so coy in responses only wastes breathe and time in which you could be doing what you truly want to be doing. It also cuts down on misunderstandings and fights that result from those misunderstandings. And when a misunderstanding occurs stop trying to hide when you're upset by saying "No I fine (obviously not)," this only wastes time in which you can be fixing the misunderstanding and getting back to your normally happy selves.
- Try taking a deep breath every once in awhile. Calm those nerves and take a step back and really look at the situation. Is what you're sitting there freaking out about really that big a deal?! Is is life altering? If this freak-out involves another person ask yourself, "Is this a me-problem?" A me-problem is a problem in which you have an issue with someone or a decision or action of someone else in which you really don't have a say in but make a big deal about anyways. First off, you have no control over the other person's actions or what they want to do, so give it up. If that person is 18 years or older they can make their own decision and choices, socially, criminally, sexually, monetarily and personally. Don't waste your time and your peace of mind over something and someone you don't have control over. (Thats why I'm blogging about this instead of driving myself nuts trying to make them change their ways.)
- Try being confident in yourself. Try something new and out of your comfort zone once in awhile. Most of the time you will find yourself pleasantly surprised. So let loose and stop worrying so much about embarrassing yourself so much. Besides most people don't see you the way in which you see yourself. You are and always will be your hardest critic. When it comes to trying new things, how can you know if you like it or not if your not willing to give it your all but hold back and purposefully sabotage yourself by not really trying. Most people will think more critically of you for not really trying then if you truly tried and messed up. Nobody likes a quiter. When it comes to yourself and your own body image try asking yourself, "How often do I really realize what I'm upset about on other people." Chances are you aren't nearlly as critical of others as you are of yourself.
I guess you could somewhat call this a venting blog, and I really try not to do that too often. I just felt that if even one person got something from this then it would be worth it. I just hate seeing people stress themselves over issues like what are listed above because it can make life so much harder.
Aren't people interesting? You know your Granny feels that everyone should have to work retail at least once in their life so they can know what it feels like to serve others (even when they don't want to). Don't let it get to you...
Love Mom
Lol I won't! I love you so much mom!
Your drivers license may say that you are 21, but your soul has got to be at least 65! (and I don't mean that in a bad way)
I agree with Mom. Don't let it get to you...lol, like you said, you don't have control over other people's actions. :-D
I also agree with Marianne. Those were some very deep and insightful thoughts.
Love ya...
This all sounds familiar.
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