Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The In-Between

The Good: Knowing that your first test of the semester is over and you feel good about it. That test would be in Athletic Care and Prevention.

The Bad: Knowing you have the turn in 4 quizzes in one day and that means reading 4 Chapters from a long-winded author.

The In-Between: Knowing that you just have to get through 3 hours of work before you get to come home and work out. I'm not really in the mood for work or working out but it's definitely not a bad feeling.

I'll blog more later this afternoon, but right now I have to get to work...ugh!

A Melancholy Kasey

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Don't be melancholy, you can do it!

Also, why do you NEVER comment on our blog?! :-P