Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Racquetball With Katie!

Lol I just had the most fantastic time playing racquetball with my new roomie Katie Huff! She is such a natural (even if all she knew before was tennis:P). I absolutely can't wait until I can get both my friends Jessica and Katie on the same court! It is going to be so much fun playing with two girls that play alot like you do (we may not be able to kill the ball all the time like Matthew and Daniel but we have strategy on our side). Which Katie and I figured out tonight makes for a long game of racquetball. I'm so thankful that both my friends enjoy racquetball as much as I do!

Ok so on a different note, I'm sitting here in bed at 12:11 at night watching my two little corgis snoozing away and I just wondered, "What would it be like to live without the stress of work, thinking about what clothes we're going to wear, who's feelings we've hurt, and how we are supposed to resolve particularly difficult situations." Lol just imagine only having to think about food, restroom breaks, and taking a snooze, sounds nice sometimes doesn't it? I think that if I were born an animal I would have been a wild horse, stubborn, strong willed, feisty, dominating and born with a longing to run as fast as I can.

So the question I pose to you is this: If you had been born an animal, what would you be and why.

An Always Imaginative Mind,


Kasey and Matthew said...

I would be a Dragon. I know that may sound cliche; however in my experience Dragons are creatures of incredable will and intelligence. Even though they are sometimes misunderstood they still perservere and remain true to their ideals. I like to think that somehow descibes me in some detail. Also, I would be a green Dragon if you were wondering.

carla said...

Okay, so here goes. I would be a lightening bug. They're a little slow moving, but there focused on their goals (so what if it is all about reproduction - it is a goal!). They bring great joy and fascination to children, and when they are killed (accidently of course) their light remains for a time, reminding us of their uniqueness.

Too far fetched? :) I was trying to come up with something unexpected....

Kasey and Matthew said...

Lol I love it Mom! That was great! You would definitely be a good lightening bug, you're very goal oriented and if something ever happened to you (just saying)nobody would forget all you've done for people and your uniqueness. I love you so much!


Kelly said...

Hmm...what animal would I be? I have no idea. Something stubborn, but smart, passionate, but sometimes a bit too much so, dedicated and loyal...any ideas?

Kasey and Matthew said...

Kelly, Matthew here. I believe your perfect animal would be a corgi. Yeah a corgi, thats the ticket...

carla said...

Yes, Matthew! A Corgi! She's adorable, cudlie (sp?) and spunky! Love you, Kelly!