Sunday, December 21, 2008
Home Again, Home Again
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bullet Dodging and other feats accomplished with Accounting
Height: 6 Ft. Even
Hair: Copper
Eyes: Blue
Attitude: Nefarious
Current Emotion: Humbled
This short tagline sums me up at this moment fairly well. As some of you know I was going for a degree in Finance from Tech; however most of you do not know that to be in the Finance program you have to make B or higher on the ACCT classes at tech. Still with me???...good because here is where it gets interesting. For the first ACCT class I made a B no problem, then for the second class I had made B's in all the tests leading up to the final, so the final I thought I had on lock (notice my ego making an appearance here --->) so a few days after the test I decide to check my grades. BAMMMM, C+ in ACCT (ever had one of those moments where it feels like the rug just got pulled out from under you, this was that moment) so naturally I checked my final test grade to see what went so terribly wrong, and there it is- my score is a 59 out of 100. Needless to say I was dumbstruck, no finance, no internship, no good job,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Old Pictures
Christmas Tree
1 More Week!!!
First and foremost, the most awesome of awesome news is that I made 4 A's!!! (and one B) for the semester! WooHoo for Kasey! My Texas Tech GPA has finally climbed back up to a 2.972 from the dramatically horrible first semester! I swear that by the time that I graduate from Texas Tech my GPA here will be at least a 3.0!
On a different note,Thomas Ayars has been down for the last two weeks! It seems as though my roommate Katie and Thomas have kicked it off pretty well and have become pretty good friends. The 4 of us are planning on having a Christmas present opening evening on the Friday right before Matthew, Thomas and I leave for Winnsboro. We're all hoping that Katie will be able to come visit for a couple of days for the New Year!
In the area of work, my boss is still messing up my schedule and trying to schedule me during hours that I specifically told him I couldn't work, so I'll have to talk to him about that tomorrow. I can't wait for the commercial side of Christmas to be over, working in retail during Christmas is absolutely a nightmare! People tend to be in a hurry and tend to get cranky (specially while waiting in line). I believe that everyone should at least work in retail once in their lifetime just so they know how hard it is and can possibly have a little understanding with those of us who do work in retail. Just remember the next time you walk into a Hobby Lobby (or any other retail store) the people who work there are just trying to do their jobs and aren't purposefully trying to screw you over! It Christmas, don't forget what we're celebrating!
I suppose that's all I'm going to blog about tonight. I'll try to keep you updated a little more! Thanks for being patient!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Last Final!
Schedule Prior to Over Enthusiasm:
Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: One Exam 1:30-2:30
Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Nothing
Saturday: Nothing
Schedule After Over Enthusiasm:
Monday: Work: 9-3pm
Tuesday Work: 9-12, Exam: 1:30-2:30
Wednesday: Work 9am-3pm
Thursday: 5pm-12 AT NIGHT!
Friday: 9am-3pm
Saturday: 5pm-probably 3am
And yes I realize that it doesn't sound that bad...but for my first week out of school I wish that I wouldn't try to fit so much crap into it, because at this point all I want to do is be lazy. The last thing I want to do is work but I'm trying to keep reminding myself that the pay check will be very nice and that I'm being good by working. But right now I'm thinking that I might have been a little over zealous when writing out my work schedule and the amount of hours I really wanted to work. Blah. I hate when the lazy bug bits...makes me feel crummy for complaining about working so few hours compared to those who work twice as much as I do. I think I can honestly say that it's not so much the hours that I put down but the fact that I offered to close 2 nights this week. (stupid, stupid Kasey) I hate staying up past 12!
Trying to Stay Positive,
Monday, December 8, 2008
Love you all,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cornish Game Hen Recipe:
2 shakes of Cracked Pepper

Too Fast, Too Fast!!!
I am not however, going to let the fact that I am about as broke as a wagon with no wheels defeat my holiday spirit! I have a couple of surprises up my sleeves and I will concentrate on pulling those off while concentrating on not concentrating on the fact that I'm broke! :)
I have to say that this holiday season has been pretty exciting with the Texas Tech vs. Texas game and Halloween the day right before. By the way I have some great pictures of the pumpkins that my roommates and I carved. I have to say that mine had the smallest pieces to cut out and looked cool, but Natalie's was the neatest looking while Katie's was the cutest looking! (Can't really call a vampire eating someone cute, lol). We saved the pumpkin seeds and I tried baking them but....well...let's just say that they weren't how I remembered!
Overall I feel that I have a lot to be thankful for this year. My family for always being there for me. Matthew for being my friend and listening to me when no one else understands where I'm coming from. To both my roommates who even despite differences I wouldn't trade for anyone simply because they are great people! And to my best friend Jess, who can always make me laugh, is the best person to go shopping with and very exciting to watch football games with and who understands my love of the Twilight Series!
I love you all and am very thankful for all of you being in my life!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Oh Happy Day?!?
We'll start with the unhappier parts of this day. My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 am this morning and the first words I hear on the radio is that Obama has been elected to be our president. I can honestly say that I didn't really care for either candidate; however, I can cope with McCain's ideas for change better than Obama's. Two major issues I have are the Pro-Choice issue and the Socialized Health Care issue. (I will go into more detail in my next blog about both of these issues but for now I have to make this quick for I have to go to work at 3.) At this point I'm trying to understand how people can't see that Obama's ideas for change could drastically change our way of life. So yes it is a big deal and no people aren't necessarily overreacting. The people who are trying to act as if this will not be the beginning of big change are naive in their thinking whether you voted for or against Obama. Change...whether you feel it is good or bad is in our midst and I feel everyone has the right to react to it. So don't tell me that I'm overreacting because I just happen to have feelings about what this presidential election means.
The Happier part of this day, is that both my Athletic Care and Prevention test is over with along with my Communicable/Chronic Diseases Tests are over! I feel that I did exceptionally well on my ACP test and fairly sure I made an A on the CCD tests (and I do mean tests with an "s" at the end). My professor felt it necessary to give a 3 chapter test on Monday and a 3 chapter test on wrong of her!
Kasey Asbill
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tech Wins!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Busy Week Ahead!
As most of you know Matthew and I went and visited Kelly and Casey this weekend! We had lots of fun just hanging around, making a mess in their kitchen from baking Halloween Cookies and playing Halo/WOW! We love those rare and precious weekends that we get to hang out with them!
This coming weekend as everyone knows...TEXAS TECH vs. TEXAS! I'm very thrilled about getting to actually go to the game! I was a little afraid that I would have to work during the game but I won't since I promised two future nights of closing in exchange!
The following weekend will be spent in Abilene with Skyler and Cody! Matthew and I will be watching the boys that weekend.
So just in case you guys didn't get the picture...Matthew and I will be very very busy the next couple of weeks! We are desperately trying to keep from going insane!!
I'm sorry my blogs have been short lately and seem a little rushed, hopefully after the next couple of weeks we'll have a little more time to relax!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Long Week Ahead!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Day to Blot Out All Days...
"Wow this is a wonderful day!" Kasey thinks to herself as she drives her
faithful little red truck to class. "I couldn't have asked for a better
Thursday! Not only did I get paid today but work is going smoothly and we for
once didn't over order inventory," smiling smugly Kasey accelerates to pass a
very slow grandma in the lane in which she needs to turn. But instead of the
typical satifactory punch of power that normally comes from her pressing on the
accelerator her little "faithful" truck gives a very depressing "VVVVVV" along with a spike in RPMs
and no satisfactory addition of speed. "Hmm, I wonder if I just maybe pushed the
gas a little too fast," frowns Kasey to herself. Kasey makes the turn at a
creeping 5 miles an hour behind the little grandma, then decides to switch lanes
and give it another go. "VVVVVV" goes her little (now not so faithful) truck. So
Kasey stays behind the little grandma until she finds a free parking spot on the
side of the road for 2 hour student parking. Upon putting her little truck in
park she calls her ever so awesome dad, "Hey Dad! My truck is doing something
weird. When I punch on the gas it reminds me of a standard that is in a too low
of gear. No matter how much you punch the gas it doesn't respond very well." Her
dad after hearing her explanantion tells her that she needs to take it to the shop
because it sounds like the transmission (DA DA DUM!) is messing up. So after
class Kasey makes her way to the Firestone across the street from her house,
hoping that they will have a good prognosis for her little fickle truck. 2
hours, lots of worry and 1 oil change later the diagnosis was grim...her
transmission has dirty fluid and is losing pressure. The man at the shop told
Kasey, "You need to take it to a transmission shop to have them take a look at
it, but they will probably have to replace it. Also you have a nail in the front
right tire that is causing you to lose pressure." As Kasey tried to refrain from
pulling her hair out in front of the man she paid for the oil change and made
her way back to her little traitor of a truck. Driving the short distance home
seemed to prove that nothing was impossible to happen on this day of days. Upon
arriving at the house Kasey looked down at her key ring searching for her house
key. "CRAP!" exclaims Kasey now close to tears and hurries back to her truck to
see if she might have put the key in the cup holder of her turncoat of a truck
but couldn't get the truck key to open her driver's side door. No matter how she
turned the key or how hard she pushed on the door it wouldn't budge. Now in full
blown tears Kasey gives up and sits on the curb next to the little truck that
defected in the span of 3 hours.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
White Chili
Time for Bed,
Friday, October 10, 2008
The End is Near!!!
On a slightly different note, now that I know I only have 9 hours left until I graduate, I will be able to finish up the last of my PT prerequisits sooner than I had hoped! As some of you may know I am hoping to go to TWU, that is Texas Women's University in Dallas for my DPT! I have just emailed the head of the Physical Therapy program there and am hoping to get an answer back from her soon. I am making sure that all my prerequisits are lining up correctly with TWU's standards. Cross your fingers and pray because I have never been more nervous in my life as I am about applying to TWU. I still have until the end of this next summer before I apply but with time moving as fast as it has been it will be here soon! I am also nervous because despite me knowing my GPA for Texas Tech and me knowing my GPA for NTCC, I still dont' know what my GPA is combined...ugh! Just so everyone's clear...we're hoping for a 3.4 or higher. I am so nervous right now that my heart feels like it's going to jump from my chest!
I just can't believe that all of this is happening so fast. I never really could imagine the time that I was finished with this part of my college career but I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I will definitely keep everyone notified on what happens with TWU! Keep me in your prayers!
Nervous, Jittery,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Busy Busy Busy!
On other note everyone knows that Matthew and I just celebrated our three year anniversary this past Monday! Wow, three seems like just yesterday we were trying to decide if he was going to go the military and I was coming to Tech or if he was going to try and go to college somewhere! I can definitely say that I'm glad that Matthew decided to try his hand at college, he was definitely made for the college life! Speaking of our anniversary, Matthew bought me a book and two pairs of sleeping boxers that I have had my eye on for quite sometime! I now have, thanks to both mom and Matthew, 3 new sleeping bottoms. (not a sleepy bottom but bottoms that are slept in *wink, wink*) He also bought me the collectors edition of Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice! I know ladies, he's definitely a keeper! I haven't been able to get him his anniversary gift quite yet but believe's a good one! *sigh* I have just to wait for my next pay check...8 more days! *grr*
As some you might know, I am saving up for a day bed/couch for my room. This may sound strange but I have wanted something to curl up on since my bed is so squeaky, I can't even turn a page let alone breathe without it groaning at me. I am also trying to save up for a smaller flat screen TV that can go across the room from my couch so that I can watch my DVDs in peace when Matthew is wanting to watch his TV shows. I've been debating on asking if I can get cable in my room but I haven't quite decided if it's worth the effort. Matthew tends to watch more TV than I do. I just like to watch "What Not to Wear" and the "HDTV." Yes I realize that some of you might think..."you're not going to have much room in your room anymore," but I have to say that my room is much larger than it appears. (specially with my desk gone!) Some of you may also ask why I'm getting a couch/day bed instead of a comfy chair...well that answer is very easy! COST! ugh every chair that I have look at is somewhere around $500 to $700! My comfy little couch is a grand total of $360! :)
Well I suppose I better end this eventually! I'll try to stay on my blogs more often than I have in the past 2 weeks!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Three Years Ago Today...
The night ended with a kiss and the knowledge that they had found what they were looking for in this crazy world that holds no promises of happy ever afters.
In the three years that we have been together we have laughed, cried, and argued for reasons we can't remember or even comprehend but through it all we have never lost what we found that night. Maybe thats what makes us so strong, that despite all that we've been through we never once forgot each other or the love we have for each other in the midst of this crazy world.
Yes, yes I know this sounds corny and cheesy to some but, I can honestly say I did not write with the intent to be laughed at, simply to remember and to remind that people don't always find what we all have found. I just feel so lucky to be granted someone this special, someone that is everything I wanted and needed in my life.
So I say to you all who are laughing, if you don't understand this message then you don't understand what it means to find that someone who is your other half in this world.
Chess, the game of gentlemen and me
Anyway I know it has been far to long since my last update so I figured I should probably do so or face the consequences from several people who know were I live. As the title suggest I have been on a chess craze as of late. I figured that I needed a hobby to take the edge off of school; however it still needed to be a hobby that "Keep my mind right" and by right I mean operational (that's right no more vegging for me, not that there is anything wrong with that but when I do my grades tend to slip(Think freshman year(Stop using parentheses!!))) Sorry about that I'm in Stats now and using a calculator and excel you soon learn parentheses are your best friends or worst enemies depending on skill of usage. Back to Chess, I know this may sound strange but I really would like to become a student of the game, so I did what everyone who knows me would guess I would do, I bought a book on the matter; actually several books and Wikipedia entries. After reading the books and online references I discovered a very important fact. Can you guess what it was?? Anyone?? You in the back? No? OK I'll tell you..........
WE NEED A CHESS SET!!! Now don't get me wrong we have one its just not in the same zip code as we are, alas when we visited Winnsboro at the end of the summer we failed to bring back the excellent glass set we had picked up over the holidays, Whoops. Anyway so I am now in the market for chess sets so if anyone knows of a place that sells quality sets at affordable prices let me know. This does not mean that I cannot play, far from it, there are plenty of online applications that allow me to do battle with anyone anytime; however there is something missing from playing a faceless opponent over a glowing 2-D board. So my quest continues, other than that classes are progressing in good form, I am rebounding from the first round of test, to let you know I did less than I would of hoped far, but hey I love having to fight for what I want. So as I leave you once again I say feel free to comment and ask questions and I shall answer to the best of my abilities.
This was Matthew Alexander Davis Hallman. This was not a test.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Deviant Little Minds
Needless to say I don't think I'm going to have to workout my arms tonight when we go back to workout this afternoon. Despite this morning's running trial, I feel that today will be a good day as long as I can keep myself from thinking about my bed...*sigh*..I'm so sleepy...*yawn*...
A Very Sleepy,
Monday, September 29, 2008
Short and Sweet
The second test that I had at 11am ended up going quite well, I feel that I made a good grade on it, and the presentation went pretty smoothly even though we went over the time by 10 minutes because one of my group members wouldn't shut up...causing us a loss of 2 points. Needless to that it is all over I am feeling relaxed and ready for an early morning in which the girls and I will get up at 5:45am and go running! :) Very exciting! I have gotten to the point where I am looking forward to these mornings when we get to do this! So far it is only Tuesday and Thursday that we get to do this but I'm hoping that I can start doing it at least one other morning...maybe Wednesday. We'll have to see! I take Mondays off from running but still do my abs before I go to bed. On Wednesdays and Fridays Matthew and I run together in the evenings simply because we both have to be at work or class at 8 and that doesn't give us alot of time in the morning to run.
I guess I am going to sign off for the night because my brain is fried and my puppies are looking at me with tired eyes.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Neferious but not a Nardowell
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Love, Sis
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Early Morning
My birthday has come and gone and left me with a strange sense of confidence from where it came from, I'm not sure. Although I can tell you that it doesn't stem from being able to walk into a restaurant and order a drink. This newly found confidence has made me feel that I can tackle anything, any problem and anyone that will try and get in the way of making this last year at Tech a great year (tackling, figuratively, of course). I feel that in maybe one way this newly found confidence is stemming from me taking better care of myself. I have finally starting running in the mornings again and hope to continue this with my two girls. Alex and Zappa are the perfect little running buddies and help me to not think about how much further I have in my 1.5 mile run. We all three started this morning out at 5:45 with sleepy eyes and dubious looks at each other. Feet and paws both had to be drug from bed, before the unceremonious task of buckling harnesses began, which resulted in me having to roll half asleep, furry bodies along the floor in attempt to get the harnesses on correctly (not an easy task when all subjects are half asleep). After harnesses were in place and feet were shod, furry bodies had to be drug from bed again and to the truck in which they promptly fell asleep again. Upon arrival to the Rec Center, little sleepy heads were becoming more awake with the knowledge that "things" were happening outside. As we unloaded from the truck with more enthusiasm than was given to loading into the truck we all three stretched our limbs while listening to remarks made by the ROTC squad watching us. Remarks pertaining to short legs and not being able to keep up...little did they know... even as we started our jog the onlookers became even more sure of themselves that little legs were not made for jogging, but as we past them in our second lap, remarks change to looks of amazement, followed by a series of "dang's, geez's, and wow's." It just never ceases to amaze people when they see little corgis keeping up with dogs 4 times their size or chasing livestock, it truly is an unforgettable sight and it makes me smile ever time I get to witness it.
Needless to say that both the girls and I are a little sore and tired from this morning but feeling very good about ourselves. The girls have been making up for the sleep they lost this morning but seem very happy due to the fact that they got to see new things and meet new people today.
A Very Contented,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My 21st Birthday Day!
I had to work that morning which wasn't all that great until I got flowers delivered to work from my awesome mom! After school and work, Matthew, Katie Huff and I all went to Garcia's for my birthday dinner. I ordered a Sangria, which I found out quickly will not be a favorite of mine. The funny story about the Sangria is that when the waiter brought me my drink he let me know that the machine that makes the sangria was not freezing it the way it was supposed to so all the alcohol was settling at the bottom of the drink, no matter the amount of stirring that was done. So after the first sip, like I said earlier I not for me. So I start thinking *crap this guy is going to think that I'm a complete idiot..* so I tell Matthew and Katie that I'm going to drink just enough of it to make a dent. Well lo and behold after finally making about a one inch dent in my sangria the waiter walks back up to our table and picks up my sangria saying " I could tell you weren't digging it very much with it not being stirred up correctly," he then proceeds to replace my sangria (THAT I FINALLY MADE A DENT IN) with a brand new sangria!!! lol we all three burst out laughing, and thankfully Katie offered to help me make a new dent in this other sangria.
After dinner, the three of us went to Barnes and Noble, where I got 4 new books! :) We also went to Hobby Lobby and bought 2 puzzles! We worked on one of the puzzles last night and I know to most this would be the most boring of boring birthdays, but it was an awesome day!
Thank you to everyone that was a part of it! :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Built From Faith
Evil Eyes always watching,
Evil eyes always there.
Polite wickedness, demanding perfection,
greeding ruination, hope consuming,
Evil Eyes always watching.
Evil Minds always scheming,
Evil Minds always thinking.
Passive aggression, plotting devastation,
dealing damage, joy overshadowing,
Evil Minds always scheming.
Fragile light glowing,
bringing hope, peace, reassurance.
Fragile light growing,
bringing strength, determination, purpose.
Fragile light burning brightly,
built from Faith.
By: Kasey Asbill
Pasta Roni: Friend or Foe?
On a different note, I have to tell you all my amazing feat! I finally defeated my messy room! All my clothes are either hanging in my closet or in the process of getting washed, my bed has been washed and remade and my closet is organized. And I FINALLY got my bag unpacked from the weekend before school started when we visited Kelly and Casey, er, I think that was close to 4 weeks ago. :) So I'm starting this week with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that I have a clean retreat to come home to after school or work. The girls are definitely taking full advantage of the cleared floor space, wrestling and running around like banshees! I must confess; however, that my desk is not quite done. I have the majority of junk off of it but I need to go back and clean out the drawers, scarey.
On the subject of Reading:
I have finally finished the first book from James Herriot's Series. It was amazing, I laughed, cried, and nodded my head many of times in agreement. I have made a list of the books that I am reading and in the order I am reading them next. Here they are:
- All Things Bright and Beautiful: James Herriot
- All Things Wise and Wonderful: James Herriot
- The Lord God Made Them All: James Herriot
- Every Living Thing: James Herriott
- Beside A Burning Sea: John Shors
- Geisha, A Life: Mineko Iwasaki
- A Month of Summer: Lisa Wingate
- The Chronicles of Narnia: C.S. Lewis
- A Voice in the Wind: Francine Rivers
If you have any other suggestions let me know. I am really trying to try new types of reading.
A Very Content,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Not so Meloncholy!
Aspects of my Day:
I started my day out around 7:20am which happens to be only 10mins. before I have to leave so that I'm not late for my 8:00am class. Which happens to be my Athletic Care and Prevention class, and it so happens that I had a test in that class today. So at 8:00am I took my test and finished in about 20mins. Thankfully I felt good about the test! I then hurried home to take 3 timed quizzes on WebCT...yuck! I also had to take another quiz for my Communicable/Chronic Disease class. That quiz was pretty rough, even with my notes and reading the chapter twice.
So now after taking a very relaxing bath and reading the first James Henry book Matthew and I are sitting here listening to Bill Engvall. I have to tell you, if you haven't listened to him he is the most awesome comedian. Very clean but ABSOLUTELY hilarious.
So I am going to retire from blogging tonight to have a good laugh and snuggle with my sweety for a little while.
A Happy,
The Good, The Bad, and The In-Between
The Bad: Knowing you have the turn in 4 quizzes in one day and that means reading 4 Chapters from a long-winded author.
The In-Between: Knowing that you just have to get through 3 hours of work before you get to come home and work out. I'm not really in the mood for work or working out but it's definitely not a bad feeling.
I'll blog more later this afternoon, but right now I have to get to work...ugh!
A Melancholy Kasey
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Incident
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Ponderings of a Nefarious Mind
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Kasey's Birthday List
- Ever Quest (Computer Game)
- B&N Gift Card (Can't go wrong here)
- Victoria's Secret Lotion and Body Spray (Pure Seduction)
- Book Bag (From B&N: tan canvas with green strap and logo on the front)
- Settlers of Caton (sp?)
- Racquetball Bag
- To have my Mom and Dad here for my 21st Birthday! (I miss you guys so much!)
I couldn't really think of much to put on here for variety, but these things for sure are not the only things I would love.
Love, Kasey
P.s. On a different note I got paid today and went to Barnes and Noble and went a little book crazy tonight! I got 3 books: Beside A Burning Sea: a story set in World War II, Geisha, A Life: Biography, and A Voice in the Wind: by Francine Rivers. I am very excited about these books, I am trying to branch out in my reading. I'll let you know how they turn out!
Weeky Report
So here are some of the changes that I've experienced this Fall:
- Change of Music: I've found some very interesting and amazing artists that I wanted to share with you all (thanks to Katie Huff)! The one that I'm really enjoying the most is "Augustana," the song "Sweet and Low."
- Change of Living Arrangements: I have to confess that I was a little dubious about sharing a bathroom and adding a new roommate to the mix here at the 48th House, but it is AMAZING! Having Katie here at the house makes all the difference in the world but for the good!
- Change of Heart: I have decided to finally lay my problems in God's hands. I'm going to stop trying to analyze and solve problems that are obviously bigger than I am. I think if I would have done this a long time ago I would have saved myself a lot grief. So bring it on world, I have the best problem solver there is!
- Change of Attitude: Positive! That is the key to a wonderful day!!! Every morning this week I've told myself before I even get out of the bed that "Today is Going to be Great!" Great days don't just happen they are the result of a positive attitude and an open mind. So people, your bad attitudes, snide remarks, and persnickety ways will no longer get to me!
With A Happy Heart,
P.s. Copy of Birthday List will be Posted Tonight!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
First Day Off!
One thing that I think I can say for the both of us is that we are definitely missing home a little bit. There's something about hectic weeks that make you just want to be at home. We're hoping to plan a short trip home sometime this next month if all goes well! It will probably be after my birthday which is coming up very fast. Eek, I'll be 21!
A Very Sleepy,
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Racquetball With Katie!
Ok so on a different note, I'm sitting here in bed at 12:11 at night watching my two little corgis snoozing away and I just wondered, "What would it be like to live without the stress of work, thinking about what clothes we're going to wear, who's feelings we've hurt, and how we are supposed to resolve particularly difficult situations." Lol just imagine only having to think about food, restroom breaks, and taking a snooze, sounds nice sometimes doesn't it? I think that if I were born an animal I would have been a wild horse, stubborn, strong willed, feisty, dominating and born with a longing to run as fast as I can.
So the question I pose to you is this: If you had been born an animal, what would you be and why.
An Always Imaginative Mind,
No Control: But Ever Thankful
Then there are the aspects of my life that I know I will always be able to count on. God for being the presence in my life that lets me know that I'm not alone. Matthew for being the emotional and physical rock I can lean on when my ground is shaky. Those big hugs do tremendous wonders to a bruised heart and soul. (I don't know what I would have done without your support and love.) My Mom and Dad I especially want to thank for teaching me respect for others, allowing me to make my own choices but letting me know when I've made a wrong one. Also for making sure I was socially and emotionally ready for the huge world that never seems to be fair. My Sister who is the voice I hear when I know a situation needs to be taken cautiously, but is also the voice I hear telling me its time to stop being cautious and time to take action. (Yes Kelly, every one who really knows you, knows that you have a fighters streak in you). To Casey who always tends to know the best way to diffuse a sticky situation. I have always admired your ability to stay calm and look at both sides of a situation. And to Jess, who makes sure that I don't wallow in pity for myself when things aren't going great, and makes sure that I get a healthy dose of embarrassment when I'm with her (and yes I'm talking about you and Matthew's dancing.) And my new roomie Katie for always having a smile on your face and making a dark day seem better. (Just seeing your happy face makes me realize that I could always try a little harder to see the brighter side of things.) And last but not least Alex and Zappa, thanks for being the furry little bundles of joy that you are. I just want to let you guys know that I love you all and appreciate all the different aspects of my life that you've touched.
I have by no means mentioned everyone important to me but I just want to let a few of you that are so special to me know how much I appreciate you.
An Ever Thankful,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Terrible at talking
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Back Home
On a completely different note: I'm Turning Twenty One in less than a MONTH!!! (its kinda freaking me out a little...I don't feel 21 yet.)
Signing Off,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I-20 and Rain
PS- on a more nerdy note, my WOW Character is now level 23, a more nerdy accomplishment I think not.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Dog Park
Taking Bindi, Zappa and Alex to the dog park is definitely one of our favorite things to do when Matthew and I visit Kelly and Casey since we don't have a dog park in Lubbock (blah!) It's so much fun to see the girls chase after dogs 5 times bigger than they are and still be able to catch them (short legs and all). It's also neat to let them (and us) meet other dogs! So here's to some doggie fun!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Relax, Relax, Relax
Pictures of this weekend will follow shortly. Until then imagine the fun we're having! :)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Incites to a Unique Mind
I am in love.
I am feisty.
I am a dreamer.
I am a chocolate LOVER!
I am a Corgi owner (mom).
I am emotional sometimes.
I am enthusiastic about life.
I am not a clean freak.
I am a hard worker.
I am fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants.
I am honest.
I am empathetic.
I am hard-headed.
I am stubborn.
I am loved.
I want to be able to eat whatever I want.
I want to live closer to my family.
I want to grow old.
I want to have red-headed babies.
I want to have friends who accept me for who I am.
I want to be closer to God.
I want to read ALL the time.
I want to be a loving wife.
I want to be someone's best friend.
I want to Love Deeply.
I want to Laugh Often.
I want to Live Well.