Wednesday, February 25, 2009

True Friends

I just want to say that when you find those friends that love you no matter what, who will forgive you even when you've been anything but nice, and have the guts to tell you to shutup or to think about both sides, you've found something special. I have found that in my two best friends Jess and Katie and I just want to say thank you to you guys for being who you are and being willing to deal with my not always easy to deal with personality :). You guys are great and I love you!


Getting a TV

Well everybody, Matthew and I have finally given in and are going to get a TV for my room at the house. Granted it will not be as big as the one we were hoping for but it will be decent and big enough to play xbox on. We had planned on getting it right before we were married but think that now is a very good time to get it. If you have any suggestions on the type we should get please let us know.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feeling Accomplished!

Well guys I have finally finished my parasitology notebook and taken my Art Appreciation test and am finally feeling like I've accomplished something! My art test went well and I feel that I did at least "Grade A" studying. As for my parasitology notebook I stayed up until around 1:30 am working on it in order to get it done for today. I then woke up at 7am this morning and worked another hour and 20 minutes to finish last minute details after not falling asleep until around 2:00 am. So I'm tired today but happy I'm done with my homework.

On top of my school work I have to say that I was able to clean my room very nicely! When you're always going so fast you forget how nice it is to have a clean room.

As for Matthew he has his second interview today at 2:30 with the Edward Jones Company. We are very excited about it and are praying that he gets this very sought after internship this summer in St. Louis, Missouri. And I must say that he looks very handsome in his new suit with his "power colored" shirst and ties. I'll try and get a picture for you guys when he gets ready to leave.

I know this blog is kind of lacking my normally blog personality but for reasons I truly don't know I'm feeling a little flat today. This past week has been pretty stressful with us putting the 48th Street House on the market and having to really get down and clean the house on top of school and work. But I do feel accomplished in all that has gotten done this week if not just a little tired from it all.

Love you all,

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

To Change or Not to Change

That truly is the question. When do we decide that changing is what we need to do and when do we sit tight and hold on to what we are?! Have you ever gotten to the point where you feel unhappy with yourself and how you are? And how do you know if its you truly being unhappy with yourself or if it's just the world telling you that you shouldn't be the way you are and you being unhappy because of all the pressure?

I hate admitting I have qualities about myself that I need to change, just like I hate admitting I'm wrong. I also hate being embarrassed and feel that way when someone points out one of my many flaws. I have trouble with taking advice from people about my flaws and tend to get angry. As most of my family and friends know, I am typically a rather confident person, but not this week, this week is one of those weeks in which my confidence has taken a vacation and I'm struggling to be happy with myself. This is one of those weeks in which I've been getting angry often and most of the time at the people I love the most. This is one of those weeks in which I can't let things go, especially offered help which is received as critizism when it was not meant to be. Facing your flaws I've found is not easy to swallow and not something I'm very good at. This is one of those weeks I think I need to learn a little humility. This week I feel more than ever I need to be closer to God.

I feel like this week God could not have gotten my attention any better than if he had hit me upside the head with a hammer.

Do Nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Your prayers would be very welcome.

Kasey Asbill

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wondering How People Do It?!

Do you ever see someone you know or just some random person and just wonder, "How do they do it?!," "How do they live like that?" I've been finding myself doing that alot lately. I find myself thinking that they could make their life so much more simple, "if only" they would do this, or "if only" they would do that. Then I start thinking, who am I to tell them that their way of doing things is not very effective. But even still it bugs the heck out of me to watch them using a less effective way of doing things (I'm trying not to let it bother me too much, gets hard sometimes. In which I try to remember some of the advice I listed below.) Here are a few of the things I would have advised others to try in the past week: (You'd be surprise at the interesting convos I hear while working out and working.)

  • Say what you really mean, stop trying to make people guess what you really mean. Life can be so much more simple if you just say what you want instead of beating around the bush and expecting people to get what you truly mean by saying things such as "I want to if you want to," or "only if you want to," or "yeah sure that's OK (when its not really)." Being so coy in responses only wastes breathe and time in which you could be doing what you truly want to be doing. It also cuts down on misunderstandings and fights that result from those misunderstandings. And when a misunderstanding occurs stop trying to hide when you're upset by saying "No I fine (obviously not)," this only wastes time in which you can be fixing the misunderstanding and getting back to your normally happy selves.
  • Try taking a deep breath every once in awhile. Calm those nerves and take a step back and really look at the situation. Is what you're sitting there freaking out about really that big a deal?! Is is life altering? If this freak-out involves another person ask yourself, "Is this a me-problem?" A me-problem is a problem in which you have an issue with someone or a decision or action of someone else in which you really don't have a say in but make a big deal about anyways. First off, you have no control over the other person's actions or what they want to do, so give it up. If that person is 18 years or older they can make their own decision and choices, socially, criminally, sexually, monetarily and personally. Don't waste your time and your peace of mind over something and someone you don't have control over. (Thats why I'm blogging about this instead of driving myself nuts trying to make them change their ways.)
  • Try being confident in yourself. Try something new and out of your comfort zone once in awhile. Most of the time you will find yourself pleasantly surprised. So let loose and stop worrying so much about embarrassing yourself so much. Besides most people don't see you the way in which you see yourself. You are and always will be your hardest critic. When it comes to trying new things, how can you know if you like it or not if your not willing to give it your all but hold back and purposefully sabotage yourself by not really trying. Most people will think more critically of you for not really trying then if you truly tried and messed up. Nobody likes a quiter. When it comes to yourself and your own body image try asking yourself, "How often do I really realize what I'm upset about on other people." Chances are you aren't nearlly as critical of others as you are of yourself.

I guess you could somewhat call this a venting blog, and I really try not to do that too often. I just felt that if even one person got something from this then it would be worth it. I just hate seeing people stress themselves over issues like what are listed above because it can make life so much harder.



Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random Pictures

Valentine's Converse and Barne's and Noble gift card given to me by Matthew!

Matthew dressing nice for work! He looks so handsome!

A muddy Alex and her Squirrel squeaky toy!

My new converse! I love them!

Alex and Archer's toy before it's demise!

She's so cute!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Avenue Q

LOL I just have to let everyone know that the Avenue Q Stage/Puppet Group is absolutely HILARIOUS! If you haven't ever seen or listened to one of their skits you must!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm back and ready to TYPE!

Lol hey guys! Thanks to my amazing brother-in-law I am finally back in action and on the Internet again! I must say that until you are cut off from the Internet world you don't realize how vital it is as part of your life.

I wanted to blog tonight to fill everyone in with the small things that have been going on in the fun life of Matthew and Kasey!

First and foremost, just to give some of you peace of mind, Zappa has had no further seizures and seems to be doing fine. This is huge due to the fact that when or if she has another one we will have to start her on medication that can cause her to become even more lethargic then she already is. (For those of you who know her, you already know that could be interesting for a lack of better words.) The medication can also cause her to think that she is hungry all the time, so we are thankful for small blessings that she has not shown any more signs of seizures.

In the school world I can definitely brag a little considering I made a 91 on my first medical terminology test, an 86 on my first Art Appreciation test (scary!) and an A on my first American Sign Language test (numerical grade not yet known). So yay for me!!! For my parasitology class we only have a midterm and a final so I haven't and won't take one of those for a couple more weeks. Oo and another cool thing is that I can now play my first song on the piano! It's amazing but learning to read music is not near as hard as I thought it would be. (I have to confess that even in band I never really learned to read music, I memorized the fingerings and sound that went with each note but never knew what note was which letter.) I am now truly learning to read the music and am loving it!!! I wish I would have taken one of these classes earlier! My piano professor has put me on a fast track to learning piano because she could tell that I was ahead of my classmates when it came to knowing about reading music. (knowing beats, rhythm etc.)

As for Matthew, I must say that I am extremely proud of him! He is currently getting ready go to the job fair in which he will interview for internships. We are particularly hoping for a paying internship in Missouri. A couple of weeks ago we went to Men's Warehouse and bought 2 new designer suits. His interview is on the 11th and we are picking the suit he will wear for the interview on the 10th (due to alterations) yea we know, cutting it a little close! We also bought 4 new shirts for his suits. That in it's self brings to mind a story.

When we walked into the store we were initially thinking we would pick out a few shirt colors that we thought looked best on Matthew, sounds simple right?! Lol, shows how little we know about the business world! Upon walking into Men's Warehouse we are greeted by a woman representative, who asks us what we are looking for. We tell her that we are looking for dress shirts. She then measures Matthew's ever growing shoulders and then proceeds to take us to the dress shirt section. Immediately we start oo'ing and ah'ing over the colors that we like best. The representative then asks us, "So what is the occasion?" We simultaneously respond, "Interview." The lady then asks, "What profession?" again we reply, "business." She then replies, "Your shirt choices will need to be either White or Blue." We then go on to learn that those are considered "Power Colors" how close we were to a big mistake. When she then realizes that we had never heard of that rule she also informed us on the tie color rule to business interviews as well. Tie "Power Colors" are considered to be Red and Blue I believe. (I know red is right, I can't say I'm 100% correct on the blue.) So at the end of our shopping spree, we came away with not only very valuable clothing but very valuable business information. I can't help but think what colors we would have picked out had that lady not helped us. (I think I was leaning towards lavendar and yellow shirts, which I must say we did get but not for the interview.)

On another note I can happily say or well shout to the world....I AM NOW A SIZE 8!!! WOOHOO! I've been able to fit in a size 8 but as most of you know I don't like my jeans to be tight, so I can now comfortably fit into a size 8 jeans, and not just any jeans but skinny jeans!!! Yes, I bought my first pair of skinny jeans and am starting to think that I like the look of them on myself. I'll have to post a picture of me in them along with the couple of new shirts I bought to go with them.

As for the not so happy parts of my life, I am having to get my wisdom teeth pulled along with a deep cleaning on my teeth that takes up to 2 hours. Yuck! However, there is always something good that comes from most bad situations, mine is that I get to get the stupid bar off the back of my bottom teeth! SWEET! (By the way Mom, I'll send you the info for the dentist tomorrow, you'll want to call them soon though.)

Well I think I've pretty much filled most parts of our story in over the last couple of weeks. I'll definitely keep you guys better updated now that I have my computer back!

Love You All,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pictures..better late then never!

As alot of you know my parents just recently bought a new house! (Totally amazing!) The weekend that they closed on the house Kelly, Casey, Josh, Rachel, Matthew and I all went to help them with moving their things in and to help with the demolition of the used to be apartment! Here are some great pictures of the demolition part!

Matthew and his huge hammers! (Boy did he get carried away!)

This is one of my FAVORITE pictures! Lol, demolition to the boys was like taking a kid to a candy shop and telling them they could have and do whatever they wanted!

Rachel and Kelly with the crow bars! Wow was that scarey!

This goes where?!?!

Evidently it takes 3 guys to figure out how to take that cabinet apart!

Well hope you enjoy the photos! By the way if I haven't already mentioned, my computer is currently not connecting to the internet here at 48th house and hasn't since we got back from this trip so that's why I haven't been able to blog very much! The weekends are about the only time that I can get Matthew's computer in order to blog! So bare with me, we are trying to get my computer re-connected to the internet here!