Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Day Off!

Ok so our first week of 2008 Fall is over, but the effects still remain. I can honestly say that today was the first day that I have had no work, and no school. We are exhausted and so happy that the first week is over. I am personally more excited about this second week then I was for the first, specially since my work hours have been cut down to 21hrs a week instead of 28hrs a week. I think I was a little ambitious in my thinking that I could handle that many working hours on top of school. I am hoping that by cutting back on my work hours I won't feel quiet as tired at the end of each day. My schedule is pretty spread out which doesn't really allow me much time to come home and each lunch but I'm trying to eat a big breakfast and then a good dinner. We are working out pretty much every night. We play racquetball pretty much every night along with either running, or lifting weights.

One thing that I think I can say for the both of us is that we are definitely missing home a little bit. There's something about hectic weeks that make you just want to be at home. We're hoping to plan a short trip home sometime this next month if all goes well! It will probably be after my birthday which is coming up very fast. Eek, I'll be 21!

A Very Sleepy,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Racquetball With Katie!

Lol I just had the most fantastic time playing racquetball with my new roomie Katie Huff! She is such a natural (even if all she knew before was tennis:P). I absolutely can't wait until I can get both my friends Jessica and Katie on the same court! It is going to be so much fun playing with two girls that play alot like you do (we may not be able to kill the ball all the time like Matthew and Daniel but we have strategy on our side). Which Katie and I figured out tonight makes for a long game of racquetball. I'm so thankful that both my friends enjoy racquetball as much as I do!

Ok so on a different note, I'm sitting here in bed at 12:11 at night watching my two little corgis snoozing away and I just wondered, "What would it be like to live without the stress of work, thinking about what clothes we're going to wear, who's feelings we've hurt, and how we are supposed to resolve particularly difficult situations." Lol just imagine only having to think about food, restroom breaks, and taking a snooze, sounds nice sometimes doesn't it? I think that if I were born an animal I would have been a wild horse, stubborn, strong willed, feisty, dominating and born with a longing to run as fast as I can.

So the question I pose to you is this: If you had been born an animal, what would you be and why.

An Always Imaginative Mind,

No Control: But Ever Thankful

That's how my life feels at the moment. Whether its work, school, or living arrangements my life is zooming by me without even a second glance as to what its leaving behind.

Then there are the aspects of my life that I know I will always be able to count on. God for being the presence in my life that lets me know that I'm not alone. Matthew for being the emotional and physical rock I can lean on when my ground is shaky. Those big hugs do tremendous wonders to a bruised heart and soul. (I don't know what I would have done without your support and love.) My Mom and Dad I especially want to thank for teaching me respect for others, allowing me to make my own choices but letting me know when I've made a wrong one. Also for making sure I was socially and emotionally ready for the huge world that never seems to be fair. My Sister who is the voice I hear when I know a situation needs to be taken cautiously, but is also the voice I hear telling me its time to stop being cautious and time to take action. (Yes Kelly, every one who really knows you, knows that you have a fighters streak in you). To Casey who always tends to know the best way to diffuse a sticky situation. I have always admired your ability to stay calm and look at both sides of a situation. And to Jess, who makes sure that I don't wallow in pity for myself when things aren't going great, and makes sure that I get a healthy dose of embarrassment when I'm with her (and yes I'm talking about you and Matthew's dancing.) And my new roomie Katie for always having a smile on your face and making a dark day seem better. (Just seeing your happy face makes me realize that I could always try a little harder to see the brighter side of things.) And last but not least Alex and Zappa, thanks for being the furry little bundles of joy that you are. I just want to let you guys know that I love you all and appreciate all the different aspects of my life that you've touched.

I have by no means mentioned everyone important to me but I just want to let a few of you that are so special to me know how much I appreciate you.

An Ever Thankful,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Terrible at talking

Matthew here, taking over the blogwaves once again, contrary to the title I speak rather well in front of real human beings; however it is on the glowing screen of WOW that I seem to have difficulty. I mean I try to follow conversations, but most of the time I just sit there and wonder if I have inadvertantly stumbled upon a group of Japanese players on the server (No offense to Japanese gamers, I actually respect your skill and devotion immensely, if you want to see what I mean just type in Japanese Mario Brothers speed on youtube). So in short, if anyone has any helpful tips or tricks, please feel free to comment and help me out, I am sure the rest of the WOW community would greatly appreciate it. On a more serious note, I am here to make a resolution for the new semester. To clean up my language. I realize that growing up in an athletic male oriented environment for the majority of my years led me to be more predisposed to such vulgarity; however that is no exscuse, so I will try my very hardest to replace such words with happy more child friendly phrases such as, fiddle de de, fangdangaroo, and any other sayings that are only intelligable to Dr. Suess and three year olds. So wish me luck and TTYL (I think that means talk to you later!????* HELP)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Here are some of the promised photos of this past weekend! It was so much fun and I can't wait until we get to see you guys again! Love you Bunches! :)

Hope you Enjoy! I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I would have wanted because I realized too late that I forgot my memory card for my camera in Lubbock but here are some of my favorite!

Ps. On a nerdi note: I am at lvl 27 now in WOW... YAY!

Back Home

Wow I never would have thought I would say this, but I really did miss Lubbock while we were gone. Despite the stress of everyday living as a college student who works ,I really have come to enjoy the atmosphere that comes with the beginning of a new year. I think it has something to do with seeing all the new freshmen and their parents so nervous/excited that reminds me of all the new experiences that I got to enjoy my first year at Tech. I'm also realizing that this is my last year as a Texas Tech student..eek...I can't believe I'm almost done. However, I am vowing that this year will be the best year ever! I am going to go to all the football games (home games), joining a racket ball club and maybe playing in intramural softball. Woo Hoo!

On a completely different note: I'm Turning Twenty One in less than a MONTH!!! (its kinda freaking me out a little...I don't feel 21 yet.)

Signing Off,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I-20 and Rain

This is Matthew once again here at the blog, and let me just say I am not a nervous person by habit; however seeing a car hydroplane out of control on the Interstate at 70 mph merely a half mile away from a eighteen-wheeler that is embedded in the opposing lane, will make me edgy. Also to all the drivers that feel it necessary to continue to drive 80 mph on rain-slicked roads while emergency services are all around trying to clean up others wrecks I say this, I hope that you are never, ever, in a wreck; but if you get pulled over and I see it, I will laugh and point at you as I drive by. That said we made it safely back to Lubbock after a great trip home, and a relaxing stay at Kelly and Casey's (To K & C, thanks for your hospitality its always fun to visit). Back in Lubbock, I have finally moved into Bledsoe Hall, and truth be told its not to bad, the room is spacious and the layout works well (minus the no working wall outlets on my side of the room). So as of now all I am doing is waiting for the fall semester to begin.

PS- on a more nerdy note, my WOW Character is now level 23, a more nerdy accomplishment I think not.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Dog Park

We're off for another adventure at the dog park! Unfortunately I didn't realize that I won't be able to post our pictures of this weekend until we get back to Lubbock tomorrow afternoon, So please be patient with us and we'll have lots of pictures to show you all that we've done this past weekend!

Taking Bindi, Zappa and Alex to the dog park is definitely one of our favorite things to do when Matthew and I visit Kelly and Casey since we don't have a dog park in Lubbock (blah!) It's so much fun to see the girls chase after dogs 5 times bigger than they are and still be able to catch them (short legs and all). It's also neat to let them (and us) meet other dogs! So here's to some doggie fun!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Relax, Relax, Relax

Those are the key words for the day! Matthew and I are visiting Kelly and Casey for the weekend and are thrilled with the idea of being able to just lay about and vegetate. And by vegetate I mean spending the day playing World of War Craft, trying out new cooking recipes, and spending time with the girls (Alex, Bindi, and Zappa). Kelly, Casey and I are all very excited because we have finally gotten Matthew to join the World of War Craft ranks allowing us all to go out and fight the dregs of evil! WAHAHA!

Pictures of this weekend will follow shortly. Until then imagine the fun we're having! :)


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Incites to a Unique Mind

I am a positive person.
I am in love.
I am feisty.
I am a dreamer.
I am a chocolate LOVER!
I am a Corgi owner (mom).
I am emotional sometimes.
I am enthusiastic about life.
I am not a clean freak.
I am a hard worker.
I am fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants.
I am honest.
I am empathetic.
I am hard-headed.
I am stubborn.
I am loved.

I want to be able to eat whatever I want.
I want to live closer to my family.
I want to grow old.
I want to have red-headed babies.
I want to have friends who accept me for who I am.
I want to be closer to God.
I want to read ALL the time.
I want to be a loving wife.
I want to be someone's best friend.
I want to Love Deeply.
I want to Laugh Often.
I want to Live Well.


So, this is a blog........hmmmm. Kinda neat. By the way this is Matthew at the helm of this post as Kasey is busy becoming a World of Warcraft Legend (I'm kinda behind the times, I just installed WOW tonight ;however I'll catch up ASAP), but like I said this is Matthew and I probably will not be the primary poster of this blog but who knows maybe if I find,see,make up, envision something interesting I might just post it. As of late the majority of my time has been caught up in the Olympic Games in Beijing. I have rediscovered how addictive watching them is, the only complaint I have is the lack of comprehensive coverage, I mean I like gymnastics, swimming, and Volleyball as much a anyone but come on......last I checked there were a plethora of events being held, I mean who doesn't want to watch handball, marksmanship shooting, and table tennis, but I digress. Anyway I pretty sure Kasey is writing another post as I type so I will yield the floor to her.